Facade is one method that city planners adopted as part of their embellishment of the exterior of the buildings structures. It was interesting to me reading about the incorporation of facade, because in Islamic architecture is heavily used as the author mentions. But the difference that I find appealing to the issue of disharmony and disconnection of building and outside (public life) is that the decorative facade of islamic art demolish the disconnection. One common trend on mosques facade was to decorate the exterior with inscription of the Qur’an, so that people have the word of Allah all the time. It was used for a religious purpose, however, there was a purpose of incorporating the public to the symbolic and meaning of the building. On this website you will find how heavily the facade are decorated on Al-Aqmar mosque, http://archnet.org/library/images/one-image-large.jsp?location_id=4856&image_id=15716.

On the article “What is a city” the author mentions the importance of having a limitation on the density of a city. He argues that “limitation on size, density, and area are absolutely necessary to effective social intercourse: and they are therefore the most important instruments of rational economic and civic planning.” In other words, how the city is regulated on their population density is how efficient it can work as a whole. In fact, this efficiency covers the liability of the city or the “place” structure to the planners. At the same time, I would add politics as another factor that compliment the efficiency of a city. On the other hand, as part of our class discussion, we came to a conclusion that “slums” lacks most of these components. Slums live as outlaw from the general law, because they live on governmental property. However, how can the government in the case of Mumbai disregard the fact that slums produce the majority of the goods that the city uses? How can we alleviate the social drama occurring in this city considering slums not as filthy and unethical place but as goods sources?

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